Web & Social assets

Maplestory 2 was a spiritual successor to one of the oldest running games at Nexon. The game presented the maple world in a refreshing and beautiful 3D perspective. I had the pleasure of working on the early sales and marketing material as well as several UI elements.


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Steam card exchange assets

These badges are basically icons that would represent your tier level on steam after acquiring Maplestory 2 cards. The goal was to create something that was on brand and enticing to collect. I also created the collectible cards using illustrations from the Nexon Korea creative team.

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UI Assets

I worked on several fun UI creative projects for MS2. They would range from something simple like buttons to more complicated things like an event counter for the navigation menu on the site. I also prepared special themed articles for the site. I would always try to make these dynamic while still supporting the articles info.

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