Izanami was a special request from the Maplestory production team. They wanted to create the illusion of a new almost impossible new boss. This project was a lot of fun but also had a tight deadline. I sent them a few sketches and logo ideas. Once they saw them and had their pic it snowballed into making a promotional video. When Izanami was made public maplers absolutely loved her and were hyped to beat the challenge. It honestly created a lot of confusion if it was legit or an April fools joke. In the end everyone had a good laugh. (Well, almost everyone ) The game’s community liked the design so much there was demand to have it properly implemented near entirely on design-alone.
Notice worthy links regarding the Izanami April fools hype
MS Forum discussion on April fools day / MS Forum Poll discussing if Izanami was real or not.
x3TheAran59 first impresions video
“You gonna die” “Reverse Izanamis name” (WHA.. Pure coincidence but very shocking. I din’t even realize until they posted this!)